Mythical Creatures: Faerie (Germany) By Aaron Johnson, Joel Anderson, 2024
Mythical Creatures: Faerie (Germany)
Depicted in countless books, films, artistic renderings, and fireside stories, fairies are thought to be mythical, magical creatures that are often depicted as small, humanoid beings with wings that have close relationships with humans and are sometimes thought to be guardian angels. They are often portrayed as kind and lovely, but can also be mischievous and spiteful. Discussion of fairies began during the Middle Ages in Europe, with most scholars agreeing the first fairy stories were Germanic in origin. Inspired by these old legends and myths (some of which date back to the dawn of civilization), Anderson Design Group poster artists hand-rendered a vintage-styled poster of the mysterious fairy legend, an original illustration and retro design crafted in a fashion that’s reminiscent of the golden age of poster art, vintage art, Art Deco, and classic travel illustrations. This iconic fairy design is available as a poster print (framed or unframed), canvas, metal sign, mini-canvas, or as a notecard or postcard, including with multiple size options available for prints, canvases, mini-canvases, and metal signs. And to learn more about this creature and so many others, check out this authoritative resource of spooky creatures and legends, Cryptids Fandom.