Mythical Creatures: Chupacabra By Aaron Johnson, Joel Anderson, 2022
Mythical Creatures: Chupacabra
Few mythical creatures have garnered as many reported sightings across as wide a geographic range as the Chupacabra. From the southwestern United States to Mexico and into the Caribbean Sea on islands like Puerto Rico, tales of the Chupacabra have haunted folks far and wide. The word 'chupacabra' is translated literally as 'goat-sucker'; from Spanish: chupar, 'to suck' and cabras, 'goats.' As the story goes, the beast's name comes from its reported vampirism, as rural farmers claim the chupacabra attacks and drinks the blood of livestock, mainly goats. Sightings have been reported in Puerto Rico since the 1970s. But this creature's range is vast! Reports of the Chupacabra have surfaced as far north as Maine, as far south as Chile, and even outside the Americas in countries like Russia and the Philippines. Inspired by the folk stories and Indigenous legends of mysterious creatures and mythical monsters, Anderson Design Group poster artists hand-rendered a vintage-styled poster of a Chupacabra, an original depiction available as a poster print, canvas, metal sign, mini-canvas, or as a notecard or postcard. This original illustration would make an excellent conversation piece. And to learn more about the Chupacabra, check out this Princeton University resource at the Chupacabra Home Page.