Mythical Creatures: Ahool (Indonesia) By Derek Anderson, Joel Anderson, 2022
Mythical Creatures: Ahool (Indonesia)
The Ahool (sometimes spelled ‘Athol’) is a huge, winged, bat-like mythical creature thought to live in Indonesia. The beast can grow to 10 feet in height when standing on its hind legs and has a wingspan of 28 feet. The creature’s name comes from the loud shriek it makes when it descends upon its prey. While most of the reported sightings of the creature have occurred deep within the jungles of Java, sightings of the Ahool have taken place all across Indonesia, with some sightings reported as far as New Guinea. Excited by the mythical beasts and the stories that follow them across the world and through the centuries, Anderson Design Group poster artists hand-rendered a vintage-styled poster of what we think this mysterious bat-beast might have looked like. This classic monster design and vintage poster art is available as a poster print, canvas, metal sign, mini-canvas, or as a notecard or postcard. To learn more about the history and stories of the Ahool, check out the website Cryptidz Fandom.