Legends Of The National Parks: Saguaro's Mogollon Monster By Derek Anderson, Joel Anderson, 2022
Legends Of The National Parks: Saguaro's Mogollon Monster
Visitors to Saguaro National Park, beware! Said to lurk among the large cactus plants for which the park is named, the Mogollon Monster is a mysterious, Bigfoot-like creature. Most people who've studied the beast say he walks on two feet, is tall, gangly, and covered in fur everywhere except his hands, feet, and face. Some eyewitness accounts say his fur is white; others say his fur is black or reddish-brown. Some reports also suggest the beast has huge eyes and gives off a foul stench. Legend has it that the Mogollon Monster, also referred to as the "Hirsute Bogeyman," was once a Native American chief exiled from his tribe. Other stories say the creature was once a man who stole a chief's bride, so the chief's medicine man turned the thief into the Mogollon Monster as punishment. Anderson Design Group poster artists hand-rendered a vintage- styled poster of what we think this creature might look like. This classic monster design and vintage poster art is available as a poster print, canvas, metal sign, mini-canvas, or as a notecard or postcard. To learn more about the Mogollon Monster, check out this spooky information (including eyewitness accounts!) at Cryptoville.