Legends Of The National Parks: Everglade's Swamp Ape By Aaron Johnson, Joel Anderson, 2022
Legends Of The National Parks: Everglade's Swamp Ape
Everglades National Park has many secrets, some of which we occasionally get a glimpse of before they disappear back into the swamp. The Everglades Swamp Ape is one such mystery, an elusive creature that resembles Bigfoot but who is believed to be much shorter and to have longer, lankier arms and legs. Those who have claimed to witness Swamp Ape say the creature is 5ft-7ft tall and is completely covered in mottled, reddish-brown hair. The creature is also said to emit a foul odor, which is why some call it "Skunk Ape.” Intrigued by stories of Bigfoot’s little cousin roaming the swamps and forests of Everglades National Park, Anderson Design Group’s artists hand-rendered a vintage poster of Swamp Ape, an illustrated rendition of what we think the creature might look like. Available as a print, canvas, metal sign, mini-canvas, postcard, or notecard, this would be the perfect wall decor addition for a National Parks enthusiast or Floridian explorer. To learn more about the elusive Swamp Ape, check out the recordings of Swamp Ape sightings at this Wikipedia Page.