Williamsburg, VA at Night By Steven Garcia, Joel Anderson, 2019
Williamsburg, VA at Night
Williamsburg, VA at Night
One would have a difficult time finding a better history lesson of the Colonial Period than a trip to Colonial Williamsburg. This town is something of a living museum, a colonial village that employs several thousand people to act and work as though they were living in the colonial era. Visitors to Colonial Williamsburg are able to immerse themselves in the culture, the day-to-day life, and the very essence of colonial times. Working to capture the aura of this iconic chapter in our country’s history, Anderson Design Group handcrafted vintage travel poster art of Colonial Williamsburg, illustrating what the city looks like at night. You can order this retro artwork as a canvas banner, art print, framed print, metal sign, framed postcard, or as a set of notecards or postcards. And to learn more about Colonial Williamsburg, check out the Colonial Williamsburg Regional Visitors Center.