Tombstone, Arizona: Gunslingers By Aaron Johnson, Joel Anderson, 2018
Tombstone, Arizona: Gunslingers
Those who work and live in Tombstone, Arizona say that the famous gunfight that took place at the O.K. Corral in 1881 was the most historic event of the city and the key event that has kept the town alive for so many decades. Being ourselves lovers of history and the famous events that make our American cities special, Anderson Design Group fashioned a vintage travel poster of two gunmen facing off on the main street of Tombstone. Set at sunset, this vintage poster art captures the setting well, depicting what an 1800s-era gunfight really would have looked like. Order this retro illustration to show your love for history, for the wild American West, and for Tombstone all in one. And to learn more about Tombstone, check out the website for Tombstone, Arizona.