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Great Smoky Mountain Railroad: Diesel Train | Anderson Design Group

Great Smoky Mountain Railroad: Diesel Train By Aaron Johnson, Joel Anderson, 2018

© 2025 Anderson Design Group, Inc. All rights reserved. It is a Federal Copyright offense to reproduce this image without permission.

What better way to experience the incredible beauty and sweeping views of the Great Smoky Mountains than aboard a diesel-powered locomotive? The Great Smoky Mountains Railroad offers a scenic track which bends and curves for 53 miles through valleys and hillsides, into and out of mountains, and over exciting passes. To celebrate the train and its beautiful course through the Smokies, Anderson Design Group handcrafted this early-1900s-styled vintage travel poster art of the train rounding a bend along an alpine lake. Order this print as a keepsake, a reminder of a pleasant nature trip taken in comfort. You can customize your order by size and style, as all of our travel posters are available as prints, canvas banners, metal signs, notecards, or postcards. Want to learn more about the railroad? Check out the Great Smoky Mountains Railroad webpage.

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