Atlanta, GA: Downtown By Michael Korfhage, Joel Anderson, 2013
Atlanta, GA: Downtown
Few American downtowns stand up to the splendor and sheer hustle and bustle of Atlanta’s downtown district. Atlanta led the way in the downtown revitalization project that we see sweeping across American cities today. Atlanta’s transformation of its downtown began in 1996 when the city hosted the Olympic Games. Atlanta spearheaded the restoration efforts with new businesses, residences, and preservation activities coming full force into the historic downtown. Anderson Design Group handcrafted this original, vintage American Travel poster art to commemorate that event, one of the first major efforts in recent history to restore an entire region of a major city. You can order this ADG retro art as a canvas banner, classic framed print, metal sign, or set of notecards or postcards. To learn more about the city, check out the Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau.