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American College Towns: Lincoln, NE | Anderson Design Group

American College Towns: Lincoln, NE By Kevin Clark, Joel Anderson, 2019

© 2025 Anderson Design Group, Inc. All rights reserved. It is a Federal Copyright offense to reproduce this image without permission.

Home to the famous University of Nebraska and the Cornhuskers football team, Lincoln, Nebraska knows a thing or two about being a top college town. In fact, this city is so full of college spirit that the Huskers have been on a 50-year sell out streak for every game played at the Memorial Stadium! Our artists at Anderson Design Group hand-rendered a detailed illustration of the art deco Nebraska State Capital building, not only to honor the city, but to honor the mid-century architecture fashions of the era. Styling the vintage travel poster art after WPA-commissioned artwork of the early-1900s, this retro design matches the style of the capital building well. To learn more about Lincoln activities or to plan your next trip there, check out the Lincoln Convention and Visitors Bureau.

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